The average person uses around 70 to 80 rolls of toilet paper a year. That is a lot of trees. But have no fear, there is a solution! Read on for the most eco-friendly, biodegradable, and rear-end pleasing toilet paper alternatives.
I remember the first night camping under the stars. I remember the sound of the river and the feel of the sandy beach. What stands out the most, however, was the night sky! Wow, what a spectacle those stars were.
The word courage comes from the French word coeur, which means heart. To have courage is to have heart. Courage is a choice we all must make for ourselves. It is a choice to step boldly into the future despite the chance of being poor, alone, or meaningless.
I don’t fear cliffs, steep slopes, mountain lions, or bears. I fear silence. I fear stillness. I leave today on a 10 day silent seated meditation retreat and I am terrified of the deep contemplation of reality I will encounter in this time.
Five Survival Tips That Might Keep You Alive… Take A Survival Kit With You: Most kits have the basic necessities to keep you alive. Buy one or learn to make your own with Fire Heart Adventures
Get your ya ya's out and be a kid again when you explore sandstone canyons and Anasazi ruins along the beautiful San Juan River during out April Spirit Quest Rafting Trip!